Quotation Explorer - 'Booker T. Washington'

I believe that any man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement, if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day, and as nearly as possible reaching the high water mark of pure and useful living. - Booker T. Washington
No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. - Booker T. Washington
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. - Booker T. Washington
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington
Kada smo u kontaktu sa drugim čovekom, mi mu ili pomažemo ili smetamo. Nema trećeg: ili ga vučemo na dole, ili ga izvlačimo na površinu. - Booker T. Washington
You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you have to overcome to reach your goals. - Booker T. Washington
The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. - Booker T. Washington
One man cannot hold another man down in the ditch without remaining down in the ditch with him. - Booker T. Washington
I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. - Booker T. Washington
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. - Booker T. Washington
Character is power. - Booker T. Washington
There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. - Booker T. Washington
Success isn't measured by the position you reach in life: it's measured by the obstacles you overcome. - Booker T. Washington
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